
Choose your course

Choosing the right courses is like laying the foundation for your future, so make sure to select subjects that truly interest you and match your career ambitions.
Mathematics will help you develop critical thinking and analytical skills required for advanced studies and practical applications in the field of engineering, economics, architecture, computer science and many others. It aids in the development of logical reasoning skills that are essential for understanding complex concepts and making informed decisions.
The Physics curriculum of Classes 11 and 12 plays a pivotal role in nurturing observational, analytical and decision-making abilities, while understanding the fundamental laws governing the universe. It helps you develop investigative skills while also fostering analytical and problem-solving acumen.
Chemistry serves as a gateway to understanding the composition, structure, properties and changes of matter. It empowers you to understand the molecular mechanisms behind everyday phenomena, from the food we eat to the medicines we take. It equips you with the skills required to tackle complex problems, build critical thinking skills and develop an appreciation for the natural world.
The biology curriculum in Classes 11 and 12 serves as the foundation upon which medical knowledge is built. It offers insights on the body’s intricate systems, from cellular mechanisms to organ functions, that prepares students to address diverse medical challenges with precision, empathy and innovation.
Computer science is among the most popular choice of electives among students and refers to the study of computer applications and technology. It offers a comprehensive look at the foundations of computer applications, programming languages, network technologies along with computing and logic.
Economics forms a core subject for students in the Commerce and Humanities field but is also a popular choice for Science students. It helps you understand how different economies work, what are their basic components and how markets function on national and international levels.